Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Plans for the Future

So from here, we have several projects that are written and lined up, just waiting for the time to get them done. Here's the calendar as it stands right now. There are no dates here as we plan on going onto the next project as soon as the previous is done.

1. No Kind of Life Soundtrack - This is already done. I'm just waiting for the proof to test and approve before it's available. It's mostly therein case you thought the music in the movie was cool, and couldn't live without it. The songs are really good, but it sounds rushed (which it was).

2. One Night - a concept album for a musical. Backgrounds are coming from a sequencer with excellent sound quality and mixed by Robert, my brother and sound guru.

3. Inexplicable - our next feature which is a collection of four horror tales

3a. Soundtrack for Inexplicable depending on how the music turns out.

4. Amehr - another concept album for another of my musicals. It needed a lot of work story-wise when we did it, but the music was really good.

5. Feature Number 3 - This was going to be a script called Jagged, but I'm not sure about that at this point since Jagged needs a lot of work. I might get it done before we get to it though. Otherwise, I'll see what else I have.

5a. Soundtrack for Feature 3 again depending on how the music turns out. Gotta be worth an album.

6. Ron and Julie - This would be a concept album using ALL of the music from the show and putting together what we have for this show in its most final incarnation. It's last on this list because I'm not sure how much work it'll take.

7. The Fempiror Chronicles - the novels will be written during the rest of the projects and come out periodically over the years. Several of the stories are already written so it's just a matter of converting them into novels.

8. Solo/Band Album - This is something I've been thinking about for awhile. I have a lot of songs I've written here and there and it might be nice to take the best of the best and record them.

That's the plans. You can see that the product list will grow little by little, but we're not one hit wonders. I'd also like to point out that this is just my material to get us started. I'm not opposed to doing stuff written by other people as well if it works for me. We'll see what happens, but I'll keep blogging progress on everything so if you happen to read about it, you have something to keep up on. This is probably the only place that everything will be until the site comes up. Even then, this'll be the main place for updates.

That's it for now. Keep you in the know though.

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